Kicking off the project: report from the 1st partner meeting in Bratislava

The first meeting of the project partnership was held in Bratislava the 26/27th October 2017. For many partners, this was a first personal meeting (aside from Skype meetings before the start of the project). What was on the agenda?

  • Presentation of project partners and of the QA systems for career guidance in their respective countries. This part took almost the whole first day, as it covered Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Czechia, Norway and Slovak republic.
  • Presentation of the project goals, time schedule, financial and management plan, foreseen dissemination activities and internal evaluation system.
  • Preparation of the IO1 (analytical paper) by Vanessa Dodd (ICeGS), who joined us through Skype
  • Group work – needs of stakeholders and national expectations – a more interactive part of the second day that allowed all the partners (including the project coordinators) to have a clearer vision of the project objectives and perspectives of the partnership members.

Overall, the kick-off meeting was very productive and inspiring on its own. We are looking forward to our common achievements!


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